The concept of Web Designs

Website design is the first step towards registering an online occurrence. There are many misconceptions surrounding it. Some of the common myths adjoining the web design are:

1. Use of maximum colors will help in making the site beautiful.

Pleasing website design is important to attract a web visitor. Several times web designer believes that using maximum colors will add value to the web page. Whereas in reality multitude of colors may ruin the outlook of your website. Also, there are chances of these website visitors getting irritated with the aid of too many colors. So the website designer should always use the colors that go well the theme and purpose of the site. Maximum 2 or 3 colors should be used to during web page design and always those colors probably should not hinder the visibility of the website.

2. Adding too much graphics is helpful.

It can be true that graphics could make communication easier, but overuse of graphics could make it difficult. Many times website designer believes that using a lot of graphics will add believability to their website. Designs can be utilized to lend the believability to the webpage but more of it may prove unpleasant. The page carrying heavy graphics takes a lot of time to load. Internet design which is uniquely spun around basic easily packing graphics is often loved by the visitor.
(image source:

3. The display is necessary to add attractiveness to the website.

Flash is widespread to create advertisement banners and animations during website design. Flash banners can provide their desired purpose only if they are being used successfully and sparingly. As these flash banners may add believability to particular web design, nevertheless they have many disadvantages as well. Display banners can be easily downloaded only when you are linked to high acceleration connection. When web development company uses too many frames to spell out a simple animation then it doesn't enhance the purpose of website alternatively it hinders it. An undesirable decision from website programmer is enough to convert the internet site into trash like using too many support frames or duplicating the qualifications in every frame and so forth Web developer should remember that not every people have flash plugins installed in their computer so people may lose their patience if they are asked to download plugins first to watch your site. So web designer should provide the convenience to non-flash version together with the flash version, which allows the internet visitor to browse through the info.

4. A website will look same in all browsers.

Possibly after designing some successful websites many web programmers wish to assume that the website will look same almost everywhere as it appears on their pc. Whereas in reality, different website web browser perceive HTML pages in several manners. So website programmer should always make it sure that the website is optimized with web standards adopted by different browsers. Also, the web resolution varies from computer to pc. Some may prefer to view the website in 1024 Back button 768 resolutions whereas some may see the website in 800 X six hundred resolutions. Most of the web visitors want to view the website in 800 X 600 resolutions, so the web designer should ensure that the website looks good even in that resolution. The breadth of the tables should be in percentage rather than in pixels. In the event the website designer chooses to use pixels in any of the website design then it becomes difficult for the audience to scroll left and right to look at the website properly. So to avoid such circumstances during web development the website developer should use percentage while providing assigning the properties to the table because it will assist the viewer to view the website properly in any resolution.

The website artist should always remember that website is suitable for the visitor.

I hope you learned something from that :)


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